Physical Efficiency Tests (PET)
Test Males Females
100 Meters
In 16
In 18
800 Meters
In 3 minutes
46 seconds
In 4 minutes
45 seconds
Long Jump 3.5 meters
(3 chances)
3.0 meters
(3 chances)
Shot Put
(7.26 Kgs.)

After qualifying in the above tests, you will be headed for a Medical Standards Test.

In this test, a Government Medical Officer will conduct some medical tests according to the Commission’s Guidelines.

After clearing this Medical Standards Test, you will be called for a Personal Interview.

Note: all these above requirements are very relaxed ones. For the post of SI/Constables you have to complete everything in almost half the above time. So, everything above is easily doable with less than 2 weeks of preparation.

What is the Physical Efficiency test and how hard it is?