This is an experimental programme that we are planning to bring in the coming future. Under this programme, we will offer 100% money back guarantee to all the participants, if they fail to clear ANY exam. This is not a marketing gimmick. We would give written promise.


14 Months.

Course Curriculum:

  • General Studies, which includes
    • Current Affairs
    • Indian Polity
    • Indian History
    • Geography
    • Economics
    • Environment and Ecology
    • World History
    • Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
    • Science and Technology
  • Essay Writing
  • Complete Aptitude Course

Targeted Exams:

  • All Government service exams with Primary focus on Group -‘A’ Gazetted posts

End Result

The participant will become an Officer.

Programme Highlights:

We are currently in the process of designing this course with the help of our advisors. Some important points about the programme are :

  • This programme would be FIRST OF ITS KIND in the country. No institute has ever dared doing this. This shows the confidence that we have on our faculty, teaching methodology and plan of action.
  • The course will have limited number of seats. In no case it would be more than double the number of advisors that the institute has. We want to be able to monitor the progress of each student and deliver on our money back promise.
  • As “study” involves two way participation, we expect some promise (though not written) from student’s side as well. We are in the process of deciding on these promises. But in no way, they would be excessive. Our programme is not a marketing gimmick. We will have prudent requirements from student’s side like…
    • 10 Minute study exercise every alternate day. Under this the student is expected to answer questions (online/offline) after reading one page of information (questions would be based on this page of information only).
    • Student will have to be regular in all his/her classes.
    • Student should not miss any exam. He should at least give all attempts for UPSC Civil service exam.
  • This programme will be launched very shortly. Our existing students will have the first right to migrate to this course by paying the difference in fee. Candidates from outside will be considered only if any seat remain vacant.
  • All possible support would be given to students.
  • After the success of first batch, our plan is to replace all other programmes with this one.